Saturday, June 30, 2007

Paralell Computing

As I mentioned below, arranging computers in an MC Escher design, or 'parallel computing' is a fine way to improve computer performance. Thanks and pf Uzi Vishkin of the University of Maryland.

This is now about parallel humanity, parallel spirituality functioning together to make the world a better place. Huge piles of money will not do the trick, we need to make huge piles of humans work together.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wired 2.0... 12.0

I want a pair of glasses that have Korean sheetscreens for eyes. Instead of bending light as a lens, though they may be shaped as such, they will detect the region and display the image on the lens in front of the eye. They will also detect the orientation of the eye by video or micro sonar and shift the image as necessary.

They can show weather, have facial scans, play movies, zoom in, zoom out, give advice or tips, be an IM screen or wireless network, depending on health and safety.

It can probably field in energy from a pad or powerpack located nearby, or within the house, and have battery capability in the frames or earspots for some motion. They'd also gain energy from polarizing lens effects. They would use very little energy to operate as it were.

Eye motion regimens and blinks detected by sonar can be a learned programming interface with the machine, as a mouse would be. They can also respond to voice commands and send 911 calls and make normal phone calls. They would have compass features and mapquesting. They might play music as well in an earpiece or speaker. They could be flashlights and have the greenware nightvision, as well as motion detectors and other optical identification systems. They might record visually perceived or recorded voice ID'd and source ID'd words and assemble them into 'experience volumes' and help analyze them for truth and cohesion.

They would ask questions. They'd help you pick out clothes and judge the reactions of others to your statements and appearance using the autismmonitor.

They could be contact lenses.

The visual receiving portion would be contact lenses. There would probably be other wireless interfaced portions, such as a pocket protector to be the camera and plotter. In the 2050's they'll call this 'old tech'.

It'd be fantastically easy to produce powered contact lenses. Maybe... they already exist...

DARPA has an invitation to pay me.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

IBM and the Petaflop

One trillion operations per second are produced by this/these machines. It has 4 850MhZ chips and ~294,912 processors and stands six feet tall.

What is the peak potential for the computer world? More processing performance could be achieved by forming a Beowulf cluster of two [or more] of these monsters together, with a certain level of system synergy until the synergy wore off. However, this should be in the order of dozens of trillions of operations per second, if not more.

While Blue Gene/P is already autosynergous, it does not parse its operations to potential other itselves. If a computer is an MC Escher [boundaries periodically defined] of processing power, it will have a new level of performance. What is *this* peak, the theoretical non-size limited performance threshhold? Playing to this piper will produce greater performance enhancement than playing to the single-unit performance system.

Can we produce a giant terramonster from participating computers on the internet to rival our best supercomputers? Ala Folding@Home?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Virtual Genesis

It seems that we have the ability to produce a virtual environment in which we can engineer a virtual human being, complete with virtual physiology.

We have mapped the human genome and physics sufficiently to simulate a human in a virtual environment complete down to microbiology. This will allow us to extend our understanding of the workings of genesis and biological life. The things that keep this virtual human from 'living' functionally in the simulation will give relief on the acuity with which we have mapped biology.

This would be a perfect environment in which to pre=test genetically modified foods and other GM functions to the 100k level. In this environment we could dramatically advance time rates and see how the genesis would advance over a period of several hundred/thousand years, assuming or dynamically modifying certain stabilities utilizing on a series quantum uncertainty randomizers.

I would like to measure the affect of electromagnetic fields in virtual environments. It seems that there are no casual attractors nor organized electromagnetic functions in any virtual environment experienced.

To do this sufficiently we will someday map a virtual world down to the atom and subatomic particles, up through biology, and to the macroworld. This is a level of resolution our traditional computers might not be able to complete in realtime for a normal vista. Qubit technologies should catch up and provide support by the time the software and physics have been relieved.

Do we now exist in such a virtual environment, mapped by our own quantum brains/wet computers, ourselves being alien engineered nanorobotic cells EM/collapsed into a biological matrix and social network?

What is the nonbiological spiritual dynamic portion of the spectrum? Is this earth a virtual world visible and present overlapping an infinitely unbound spiritual realm of uncertainty? Infinitely unbound. I like that. Distance and time are unimportant there, as the EM-0-angels fly, although the dynamics of this biological/physical dust condensations remain agreed upon by the mainframe/Hz data sotrage system called existance [see mp3].

It's just an illusion.

A particle is a wave stabilized into a loop. Agreed upon, decided 'yes', forgotten. Uncertainty mechanics and stabilization of wave. A wave itself forms from nothing. A particle coming from a field. [see BBTSJ field dynamics, the timeotron, the loveotron, the gravitron] The field effect of uncertainty, of existance remains.

This condition may be ruled by number theory, which potentially breaks the non 1=1 and enforces 12^ conditions in all things. All doubt and wrong is temporary and an illusion, righteousness is true and permanent and good. Those trapped in 1!=1 conditions or who don't "12^" [see number theory BBTSJ] should recognize and sympathize with this truth for they create their own lenses into an unsavory regional condition superimposed over normal truth.

[guest post for Billy Bunkie the Science Junkie]


I want to see holographic representation of games. Let's have a new piece of hardware available in 3D hologram, about 2' cube, which will project the image of the display into the box.

We should also promptly mock up some software drivers which will let conventional video cards and conventional 3d information be represented here in a fairly accurate 3D way. We could also see 3D representations from anywhere within the cube, assuming a point of focus at the user's head. We could infrared scan for the main user's head if they choose in a vdo interface option, or could limit the 3D effect to one side of the cube. Or make it a ball and call it 90*.

You'll want this.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Linux 2a

An OS is necessary that learns yet knows what not to learn. Linux and microsoft are both unacceptable for their UI and networking dynamics. Networking needs dynamic changes.

An OS should learn like a human psyche to best serve its user, without competing with or superceding user activity at any time. An auto-digg system of user oriented self programming/programmability and favored code segments may be a positive step.

The OS could potentially use an autism monitor to detect the mood of the user. This would be a wonderful functional CPU-enhancing tehcnique. [c]

An OS that is not afraid to change itself, and to safely self-test new lines of code, and macro-segments of code, should be a better engineering method in a virtual environment than pure mankind originated factory coding, enhanced especially when user-monitored and actively modified and in a passive-autismodified environment.

It will do this effectively by knowing several core truths of code, Asimov style. Each new line of code from auto OS-mods and software and networking will be tested against superior truths down the line and assigned a level of seniority. Some truths are autosenior to all, by factory hard wiring, and the remainder follow in sequence from there. This is a superior system of .sys and possibly .ini files. In this way computers will program themselves to serve you better and dynamify coding. The computer itself will be playing a game, to try to fx your EM-signal or generate more positive inputs from the user.

I would encourage an OS that produced a new video game for me to play each week. Or sought after a system of face or aesthetic body recognition software as my art portfolio/desktop, or sought the best and most interesting to me science information. This is almost living. You do this.

Your computer is wet.