Thursday, June 14, 2007

Virtual Genesis

It seems that we have the ability to produce a virtual environment in which we can engineer a virtual human being, complete with virtual physiology.

We have mapped the human genome and physics sufficiently to simulate a human in a virtual environment complete down to microbiology. This will allow us to extend our understanding of the workings of genesis and biological life. The things that keep this virtual human from 'living' functionally in the simulation will give relief on the acuity with which we have mapped biology.

This would be a perfect environment in which to pre=test genetically modified foods and other GM functions to the 100k level. In this environment we could dramatically advance time rates and see how the genesis would advance over a period of several hundred/thousand years, assuming or dynamically modifying certain stabilities utilizing on a series quantum uncertainty randomizers.

I would like to measure the affect of electromagnetic fields in virtual environments. It seems that there are no casual attractors nor organized electromagnetic functions in any virtual environment experienced.

To do this sufficiently we will someday map a virtual world down to the atom and subatomic particles, up through biology, and to the macroworld. This is a level of resolution our traditional computers might not be able to complete in realtime for a normal vista. Qubit technologies should catch up and provide support by the time the software and physics have been relieved.

Do we now exist in such a virtual environment, mapped by our own quantum brains/wet computers, ourselves being alien engineered nanorobotic cells EM/collapsed into a biological matrix and social network?

What is the nonbiological spiritual dynamic portion of the spectrum? Is this earth a virtual world visible and present overlapping an infinitely unbound spiritual realm of uncertainty? Infinitely unbound. I like that. Distance and time are unimportant there, as the EM-0-angels fly, although the dynamics of this biological/physical dust condensations remain agreed upon by the mainframe/Hz data sotrage system called existance [see mp3].

It's just an illusion.

A particle is a wave stabilized into a loop. Agreed upon, decided 'yes', forgotten. Uncertainty mechanics and stabilization of wave. A wave itself forms from nothing. A particle coming from a field. [see BBTSJ field dynamics, the timeotron, the loveotron, the gravitron] The field effect of uncertainty, of existance remains.

This condition may be ruled by number theory, which potentially breaks the non 1=1 and enforces 12^ conditions in all things. All doubt and wrong is temporary and an illusion, righteousness is true and permanent and good. Those trapped in 1!=1 conditions or who don't "12^" [see number theory BBTSJ] should recognize and sympathize with this truth for they create their own lenses into an unsavory regional condition superimposed over normal truth.

[guest post for Billy Bunkie the Science Junkie]


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